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Legal notice

Legal notice

  1. Terms:
    1. Customer – is understood to be a natural person operating a business listed in a national registry of businesses, or a legal person or organisational entity without legal personality but with legal capacity, which purchases or intends to purchase goods directly related to the conduct of business or professional activities;
    2. (seller) - is the internet shop, at the address, operated by Security Expert Sp. z o.o., with registered office in Poznań, ul. Winogrady 118, entered into the list of companies maintained by the Sąd Rejonowy Poznań – Nowe Miasto i Wilda [Regional Court in Poznań, Nowe Miasto and Wilda] in Poznań, VIII Wydział Gospodarczy Krajowego Rejestru Sądowego [8th Economic Department of the National Court Registry] - with the registry number KRS 0000272828, share capital 60,000 PLN paid in full, taxpayer identification number NIP 778-144-52-02, statistical identification number Regon 300574654;
    3. Shop – the internet shop operated by Security Expert at the address, hereinafter also referred to as the Shop;
    4. Goods - a product presented for sale by Security Expert in the Internet Shop;
    5. Order - a declaration of intention by the Customer (offer), leading directly to the conclusion of a Sales Agreement via the Internet Shop. The party placing the order is required to indicate the place of delivery of the Goods covered by the Order if this is other than the registered address of the Customer;
    6. Sales Agreement - an agreement for the sale of Goods as understood by the Civil Code, concluded between Security Expert sp. z o.o. and the Customer, via the Internet Shop;
    7. Legal notice - means this legal notice defining the terms and conditions of sale of Goods via the Internet Shop.
  2. General information
    1. The Internet Shop deals with the sale of Goods via the website (internet sales).
    2. Information on Goods published in the Internet Shop, in particular descriptions, technical parameters, prices, and availability do not constitute a sales offer in the understanding of Article 66 of the Civil Code, but do constitute an invitation to conclude a sales agreement as understood by Article 71 of the Civil Code.
    3. Information on Goods and the invitation to the conclusion of a sales agreement are intended for commercial customers, meaning that the provisions of the Act of 2 March 2000 on the protection of certain consumer rights and liability for damages resulting from an unsafe product as well as the Act of 27 July 2002 on particular conditions of consumer sales and on changes in the Civil Code do not apply. 
  3. Receiving and fulfilling orders
    1. The Shop conducts the sale of goods via the internet. Orders in the Shop may be placed on the website by using the order form, and also by email sent to the address Information on goods is published on the website
    2. In order for orders to be fulfilled, the order form must be correctly filled out, particularly regarding the provision of a stationary ro mobile telephone number and email address allowing orders to confirmed and verified as necessary. Detailed procedures related to the fulfilling of orders in the internet shop not mentioned above are described in other parts of the website and constitute an integral part of this legal notice. 
    3. To submit an order, the Customer must: 
      1. select the Goods ordered
      2. select the method of delivery and the delivery address, as well as the address for which the invoice will be issued (these may be different) 
      3. select payment method 

        The contents of the Internet Shop and all other pages within the domain which include lists of Goods offered do not constitute a sales offer as understood by the Civil Code, therefore the submission of an order by the Customer is not synonymous with the immediate conclusion of a sales agreement. A Customer who fills out an order form or sends an email including an order submits an offer to purchase for the particular Goods to Security Expert. 
    4. If some or all of the Goods included in the order are unavailable, the Customer will be informed of this fact and will have the opportunity to decide about further processing of the Order. The Customer has the following options: 
      1. partial fulfilment - the choice of this option by the Customer means that only those Goods which are available will be sold; the Shop is under no obligation to fulfil the part of the Order regarding unavailable Goods
      2. cancellation of the entire order - the choice of this option by the Customer means that the Shop is under no obligation to fulfil the order

        If the Customer has already paid for the Goods, the Shop will refund the payment within 7 (seven) business days of the cancellation of part or all of the order.
        If the Goods are not available in the warehouse or other circumstances exist which make it impossible to fulfil the order, the Shop is entitled to withdraw from the sales agreement within 30 (thirty) days, beginning with the date of its conclusion. If the Customer has already paid for the Goods, the Shop will refund the payment within 7 days of informing the Customer of its withdrawal from the sales agreement (this information will be sent to the email address provided by the Customer). 
  4. Changes to orders
    1. The Customer may make changes to orders or cancel orders only up until the moment that the order is sent. Changes may be made by contacting the Office via email at the address:
    2. Modifications regarding the Customer's address, the delivery address, and requesting return of payment are to be made by contacting the Office at:
  5. Prices of Goods
    All prices of Goods published on the Shop website:
    1. Are listed in Euro (€), EUR.
    2. Are listed both as net prices.
    3. Do not include costs of shipment and delivery.
    4. The price listed for each product is binding at the time an order is placed by the Customer.
    5. The cost of delivery is on the side of the Store, provided that the amount of the order exceeds EUR 99 net. If the order does not exceed EUR 99 net, the customer bears the delivery cost of EUR 35, which is added to the invoice.
  6. Order processing times
    1. Orders within area of the European Union and Great Britain, on condition that Goods are available in the warehouse, are delivered to the address indicated by the Customer via courier within 10 working days of confirmation of the order by the shop.
    2. The Customer, on receipt of the order and goods, is obligated to check the contents and condition of the parcel. In the case of an damage to the parcel or its packaging, the damage report should be filled out. This damage report, when sent to the Shop together with a complaint, will facilitate the processing of claims. 
  7. Forms of payment. Initiating order processing
    The Customer may choose the following forms of payment for Goods to be delivered:
    1. prepayment by bank transfer to the bank account Alior Bank PL45 2490 0005 0000 4600 7817 5020
    2. bank transfer via the PayPal system or Klarna/Sofort
    3. via a credit card in the PayPal system
    4. cash on delivery, with an additional charge of 12 EUR borne by the customer due to the higher price of delivery charged by the courier company. Order not exceeding 1 500 EUR. Applicable countries: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Netherlands, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Latvia, Germany, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden, Hungary.
    5. payment on delivery according to terms established individually for Customers with good payment history, awarded after analysis of financial documents 

      The Shop reserves the right to exclude the "cash on delivery" form of payment for a Customer who does not accept one cash-on-delivery order, regardless of the delivery method. Reinstatement of the cash-on-delivery option for a given Customer may take place after a further order has been made and accepted with a method other than cash-on-delivery. 
  8. The right to withdraw from the contract

    The contract concluded in accordance with the provisions of this chapter is a distance contract within the meaning of the Act of May 30, 2014 on consumer rights (hereinafter referred to as the "Act").

    The method and date of exercising the right to withdraw from the Agreement are described in detail in Annex 1 to these Regulations, in accordance with Annex 1 to the Act.

    The exercise of the right to withdraw from the Agreement may be performed using the withdrawal form included in Annex 2 to these Regulations, with the content in accordance with Annex 2 to the Act.

    The customer has the right to withdraw from the contract without giving any reason within 14 days from the date of receipt of the goods. In the event of the Customer's withdrawal from the Agreement, the Agreement is considered void, and the mutual benefits of the Customer and the Seller shall be returned.

    The Customer is obliged to return the Goods being the subject of the return within 14 days from the date on which he withdrew from the Agreement. To meet the indicated deadline, it is enough to return the items before its expiry.

  9. Delivery
    The delivery of the Goods is limited to the area of the European Union and Great Britain and takes place at the address indicated by the Customer when placing the order.

    Delivery of the ordered goods takes place by own transport, by courier. In addition, the delivery costs will be indicated at the time of placing the order and after confirming the order with your sales representative.

    The time of delivery is from 3 to 7 working days from the date of sending the order by the customer, provided that the products are available when placing the order.

    When collecting the order, the customer should check the condition of the shipment. In the event of damage or tampering with the packaging, a damage report should be prepared. The damage report is sent to the Store together with the complaint, which will facilitate its consideration.

  10. Complaints
    Complaints concerning mechanical damage to the Goods arising during transport will be processed provided that a complaint protocol has been filled out (available on the Shop website). In such a case, the Customer should promptly inform the seller of this fact via email at the address:, and next wait for a response confirming the receipt of the complaint (on damages arising during transport). After confirmation has been received, the Goods should be sent to the company's warehouse at Security Expert sp. z o.o., Grabiszynska 231 E-F, 53-234 Wroclaw.
    A copy of the invoice with the completed complaint form should be included with the goods.
    The Shop will not accept any parcels sent in return by cash-on-delivery. 
    The Shop will issue a decision regarding complaints filed within 21 days of receipt of the parcel with the goods in question and will inform the Customer of further procedures. If the claim is approved, fault-free Goods will be sent to the Customer. If this is impossible (for example, due to a shortage of the ordered product), the Shop will refund the value of the goods or offer a choice of other goods available in the Shop. Any costs associated with returning the goods will be refunded by the Shop after approval of the claim.
    The statutory liability of Security Expert for defects in the product is agreed by the parties to be excluded.
    Security Expert does not accept returns of products purchased in the Internet Shop.
  11. Others
    1. The Shop provides this legal notice at no cost to the Customer before entering into a sales agreement for the provision of services or goods, and additionally, at the customer's request, will enable the contents of those legal notice to be obtained, read and recorded by means of the IT system which the customer uses. 
    2. On placing an order in the Shop, the Customer agrees for its data to be included in the Security Expert sp. z o.o. database, and for this data to be processed for the needs of completing the order. The provision of data by the Customer is voluntary, however failure to agree to the processing of this data will interfere with the fulfilment of the order by the Shop. The Customer bears all responsibility for the provision of false data. 
    3. Customers of the Shop have the right to access, correct, and request deletion of their data. 
    4. Agreements for sales of Goods in the Internet Shop are governed by Polish law. The sales agreement is concluded in the Polish language.
    5. Issues not covered by this legal notice are subject to the applicable provisions of the Civil Code or other regulations regarding the operation of an internet shop. 
This Legal Notice is valid from 01 March 2015.
The Shop reserves the right to introduce changes to this legal notice. All changes to the legal notice take effect at the time indicated by the Shop, being not less than 7 days from the date of their publication on the website. Orders placed before these changes take effect will be fulfilled according to the principles applicable on the day that the order was placed.

*Free deliveries over €99


After placing the order, you will receive an invoice to your e-mail address


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